As Emma turns to leave, Cleo uses her intuition again, this time to reveal she knows Emma stole from stores in Phoenix, got arrested and skipped bail. Dark!Regina. Since Anna fits the criteria, they use a locator spell on the necklace to track her, however, it leads them to a mine cave-in. Encouraged by these words, Emma goes to the police for help, and when asked for her last name, she adopts the surname "Swan" to pay homage to the advice she got about the ugly duckling and the power to change by believing in herself. "Why the hell are you not in the room with her then?". To break free, Emma smashes a tea cup with a pillow and uses one of the broken edges to cut out her way out. About the time when the Wraith causes destruction in Storybrooke, Emma drives her car to somewhere and almost bumps into a man. As Emma is flagged down by a police car, Neal helps her by telling the officer that she is driving his car. Mary Margret if you would please wait in the waiting room." And for a while, she thinks shes found her happy ending. A series of Tumblr (reighne-sq) Prompts and Drabbles collected overtime. However, Emma attests it was worth it since she got to be his mother and find her family. At Aurora's insistence she cannot be trusted, Mulan binds her up. She doesn't believe him and leads Regina out to the hallway for a talk. She asks Henry if he wishes to tag along; even jokingly brainstorming operation names, but he declines. Before doing so, Emma takes Mulan aside to task her with cutting down the beanstalk if she and Hook are not back in ten hours time and make sure Mary Margaret gets home. A burst of light shoots out of Emma's chest; knocking Cora unconscious. To test out the cave's rules, Hook goes first and confirms he and Emma kissed, but the real secret is the kiss itself helped him move on from his first love, Milah. On return to the apartment, Emma allows Regina to attempt the heart split, but a barrier keeps Regina from taking out the heart. The couple lie about going on a hike as Emma skeptically accepts their answer. Unfortunately, he doesn't have a choice. Henry still thinks Neal and Emma have a shot together when Tamara is out of the picture. ("Broken Heart"), With the Dark Ones on the loose, Emma and allies to split up to search for and take down Hook. Agreeing to the deal, Mr. Gold leaves the hospital empty-handed. Unfortunately, it backfires when Henry eats it instead to prove a point and slips into a coma. As large falling stones appear to crush Hook, Emma is grabbed and squeezed in the giant's fist. As the mirror explodes, Emma and Regina are thrown out to safety. Ingrid reminds her of how the crane game flickered and implies it wasn't an accident, but Emma just shrugs it off. She manages to erect a barrier just as Cora and Regina arrive to take it down. Regina takes in the lost baby girl and bonds with her, eventually telling her personal things, having no idea she's actually talking to Miss Swan, who is hearing everything, and it changes how she sees Regina (in a good way). Emma quickly stops Regina from taking out Felix's heart and instead sways the other Lost Boys with the promise she will get them off the island, to which they disclose Pan is at his "thinking tree" in Pixie Woods. Emma sends Henry home early to keep Regina from finding out where he's been. While out picking flowers, Emma sees who she believes is the Queen, though it's actually Regina. They stuck together ever since, like sisters. David started nodding to himself before looking up at Emma. Walsh reveals knowledge about the memory potion and violently attacks Emma after turning into a flying monkey. Mary Margaret makes an attempt to escape, but is knocked unconscious. Regina tells them Tinker Bell lost all her fairy powers a long time ago and can't help infiltrate Pan's camp. Hook relates how the ring is a testament to his ability to survive throughout the years, and he is giving it to her so she can survive and come back to him. With that, she follows David into the portal back to Storybrooke. So the last part might not be trouble, exactly, except for the part where it makes Bilbo's rather hopeless attachment even more painful. Hope Swan-Jones is a character on ABC's Once Upon a Time. Out of the darkness, Cora greets Emma. Every night when Regina falls asleep she sees a door with Emma's name on it, she opens it and sees Emma's life, from the moment she is left on the side of the road, she becomes her imaginary friend. Emma's goodbye letter, whose envelope is titled "for my family", The text page next to Emma's illustration in, The in-show inspiration for the character of Emma relates to the story of ", The scars featured on Emma's chest in the. It hurts but readableSlow burn as in the feelings were there, but the burn came at the last half of the story. In search of her baby who is with Belle in the Underworld, Zelena reluctantly follows Regina and Robin to find them. Ok I'll let her know. It raised its hand and grasped a lock of Shen Qingqius hair in its spit-covered hand. Tinker Bell agrees and goes back with them to camp. The Captain's Baby: A Once Upon a time Fanfic. Dr. Whale greeted us at the entrance like he was expecting us or something. Choreographing a meeting between the future couple, Emma distracts past Hook while future Hook boards the Jolly Roger to convince Snow White to steal Prince Charming's ring from King Midas' castle. Believing Regina is lashing out, Emma shrugs it off. I looked at her and she was smiling. Frustrated, Emma admits being unhappy as a savior since she is unable to resolve anything lately, believing that what Regina said earlier is true, but her father advises her to not give up. Tamara says nothing and takes the paper back. Called away to sheriff duty, Emma corners the Snow Queen with the candle's power. She apologizes to Henry for not being helpful earlier, but he is just glad she is safe. Emma Swan leaves her parents loft at 9:30pm, and doesn't return home. After his death, she rejoins David to catch Zelena at the apartment, but she is already gone. Over the course of the day, Hook gains David's respect and gratitude, which cumulates with David giving his blessing to Hook so he can propose to Emma. Gideon leads Emma to the Sorcerer's Mansion, where he tricks her into opening a portal to allow Hook to return through, but instead, it brings forth a giant spider, which he claims was summoned by the Black Fairy. Hook refuses to accept this and asks what happened in Camelot, though Emma dances around the question, citing that it'd be no fun to give him a straight answer. Regina realizes Emma doesn't trust her and believes she will revert to being the Evil Queen again. Lastly, Emma urges him to take the potion, which he does as he shoves her away, allowing the blonde to be swept into the portal. But a threat from another world looms large, distracting our fair couple from the impending birth. "Very well darling we have a deal, now if you could kindly take . When Arthur and his men try to stop them, Regina distracts them with fireballs as Emma puts Henry's tear in the potion and channels her magic onto the Merlin tree, reverting the sorcerer to human form. Instead, Emma has him arrested for assault and criminal harassment. Emma looked terrified I knew she wouldn't do this without Killian. Going by Regina's suggestion that the Dragon's fire breath can break the mirror and allow them to escape, Emma prepares to bait the Dragon since she's fated to die anyway. If you don't like this type of fanfic, then please don't read. There are lots of mistakes about Emma's flower tattoo, as in some scenes of some episodes, it appears and disappears: In "The Thing You Love Most", when Emma is drinking, Emma's tattoo is missing when she's climbing the, Emma is mentioned in the storybook in "The Snow Queen". With growing agitation, she challenges Regina to be the savior and do what needs to be done. However, Henry is not in the booth and Emma deducts that he ran off since his backpack is gone as well. Emma returns to the apartment to face a disappointed roommate. She reunites with David and a visibly pregnant Mary Margaret, who both cannot recall anything that happened during that past year. Upon reaching the exit, the pair finds Mr. Gold, who claims Hades burned the boat and tossed Milah into the river. In return, Emma is given free time with Henry, which they spend by grabbing some ice cream. The sheriff, Graham, arrives to unlock Leroy's cell and allow him to go. The cage bars melt away as she and Neal embrace each other. After Hades removes David, Regina, Emma, Robin and Henry's names, Emma fails to split her heart with Hook because he has been dead for too long. The couple later returns with the baby and Belle, after Zelena relinquishes her daughter to them, fearing she can't protect her from Hades. Now they're not just staying together for them, but fo #captainhook From Henry, Emma learns Graham consulted with him. From this, Emma recognizes Regina framed her, but Mary Margaret bails her out. During the search, they come upon Henry practicing sword fighting. An aged Hook attempts to "rescue" Emma, as there is a reward for whoever returns her to her family, but Emma knocks him out and teleports him away. Emma overhears her father telling Snow that he doesn't want to rush the wedding knowing Emma could be on death's doorstep shortly after it instead of looking ahead to her years of marriage. Drawing from her own experience, Elsa argues that having the support of loved ones is not enough, and for Emma to truly be happy, she must embrace the good and bad that comes with her own magic. it was a little awkward but eventually we finished. ("Tallahassee"), Throughout the journey, Aurora has been having repetitive, frightening nightmares and wakes up after a strange dream encounter. Not in the mood, she shuts him down for attempting to bond with her. Before she can ask him that means, he suddenly collapses and dies from a fatal heart attack. An afternoon in the apple orchards with Ruby/Belle and Emma/Regina and their daughters - carefree and happy family times ensue filled with nothing but bantering and a lot of fluff. The two exchange blows before Emma aims a gun at Lily, almost pulling the trigger until Regina persuades her out of it. I walked into Emma's room and she was crying. What could happen? However, when Emma reaches the elevator, Killian decides he won't be going with her because there's nothing else that can be done for him. Without knowing David and Mary Margaret are listening, she agrees to believe the best in him as her parents always have in other people. Cora tries to ask about Henry, but Mary Margaret cuts her off. After Mr. Gold teleports off the ship, Emma retreats below deck, where she is doing pull-ups, when Hook interrupts to give her an old sword that used to belong to Neal when he was a boy. I walked out and let them do this. An argument breaks out between Emma and Regina as Elsa pleads for them to mend fences. The scheme goes off without a hitch, leaving the two to sleuth out the real criminal by concocting a memory potion to recall the lost year in the Enchanted Forest, but it fails. She is also constantly worried something bad will happen, though David suggests that seeing the good is what makes life worth living. Jennifer Morrison displays plenty of flesh in a sheer coral gown after THAT naked photo shoot, Jennifer Morrison for Entertainment Weekly New York Comic Con 2015, Jennifer Morrison Is Reading Old Fairy Tales to Play 'Dark Emma', 'Once Upon a Time': Emma is the Dark One, but there's a catch, Once Upon a Time Comic Con panel: 10 things we learned, Season Finale Awards: 'Once Upon a Time' creators dish on Hook, Elsa, Storybrooke Secrets: The Thing You Love Most. Angrily, Emma replies that she does not have to as she's already won and confirms Henry will never forgive Regina after this and that she is a person not capable of changing. When Regina goes into labor, its up to Emma to deliver the baby. Emma insists she didn't have a choice, though Regina recalls Emma has said many times there is always a choice. Upon realizing the mermaid has summoned a storm at sea, Regina turns the mermaid into a statue, which only speeds up the storm. Though this is supposed to be the first meeting between the destined lovers, Emma accidentally breaks a branch; causing a startled Snow White to flee. Lesbian Character. ("The Brothers Jones"), After Henry writes about Snow and David's plan to contact their son Neal in Storybrooke, Emma and the others have little enthusiasm about it, as they were hoping to read Hades' story. ("Going Home"), Directly after driving out of Storybrooke, Emma and Henry obtain false memories of their life together. Out of frustration, Regina accuses Emma of listening to Hook because he's her "boyfriend", which she is incredulous at the claims. To her surprise, the shovel is now fully intact. "But now it's just areminder that I have to protect those I love.". She thought she had moved past it, but now she's not being threatened by any magical battles and no new portals have opened. Mary Margaret reassures her that they will find Henry, however, Mr. Gold interrupts the conversation to announce he intends to rescue his grandson alone, as he doesn't believe Emma has what it takes. They go past the Toll Bridge where Ruby found the jewelry box with the human heart in it. Emma drops the sword off at home before sneaking into the diner to leave a farewell note to her family. I don't want you in here." Anything that comes into my mind or that you guys want to send me. Mama Mal helps Emma with her hair routine. Congratulations! Hope is born to the savior, Emma Swan-Jones and her husband, former pirate, Killian Jones. After dropping him off again, Emma shares with Regina the coincidence of how she and Henry met. Fortunately, if there's one thing hobbits are good at, it's growing things. Coldly, he asserts that wars have costs and considering this is a blood feud that goes back several generations, and the only way to end it is to spill more of it by possibly killing Regina. Henry asks her to retell what happened two years ago, to which Emma explains how Henry had eaten a poisoned apple turnover and recovered from it, thanks to medicine and Dr. Whale. I mean I didn't tell him. In this episode, Emma saves her parents, Regina, Hook . Seconds later, Neal bursts in demanding an explanation. From Hook, Emma learns he traded his ship for a magic bean in order to find her in New York. She accepts his proposal again when he asks her to marry him. He can tell both she and David are lying. Returning to Rumplestiltskin, Emma and Hook learn a special wand can replicate magic, but the portal has to be made by someone who already traveled through it. Imprisoned for assisting Snow White, Emma meets Marian, who states they will be executed tomorrow. From Henry, she learns the others haven't come back yet, to which she realizes something must've happened to them. He jests at Emma that he forgot to bring champagne to their "second date". Before Anna goes in as well, she inquiries about Mr. Gold's original name in the Enchanted Forest. Emma's hand tremor is triggered when she grows frightened of what will happen if their mission fails, but Hook calms her down by reminding her of the story of Snow White and Prince Charming, and how she was born from true love, the most powerful magic that enables her to do anything. Snow explains that her enthusiasm is due to her desire to be involved when she wasn't able to be there for other milestones in Emma's life. Emma professes she is willing to do whatever it takes to get Henry back, but Mr. Gold still doesn't believe her, stating that she will always need someone to show her the way. On the drive there, she crashes to the side after swerving to keep from hitting a manifestation of Ingrid. " Birth " is the eighth episode of the fifth season of the American fantasy drama series Once Upon a Time, which aired on November 15, 2015. Emma and Elsa try to take down Ingrid, but their magic fails. Emma sees Hook and Tinker Bell come out of the building together, which leads her to suspect the two are now involved, though both give different answers. After Emma returns Merida's heart, Mr. Gold successfully pulls out Excalibur and tosses it at Emma's feet. During one of these times, Emma assumes he is unhappy about something at school, but Henry is actually upset because he notices his mother is lonely. Instead of being sad, Emma brims with anger over losing him years ago since she spent years thinking he didn't love her only to find out the exact opposite. Too hurt by her lies, Emma walks away, rubbing off the star on her wrist, and ignores Lily as she repeatedly calls after her. Emma's parents arrive home with Henry after allowing him to have a test drive using David's truck. She dbuts in the first episode of the first season of Once Upon a Time and is portrayed by starring cast member Jennifer Morrison, guest star Abby Ross, and co-star Mckenna Grace. In the morning, Emma scoffs upon seeing roses sitting on the apartment counter. I looked at Ruby, I was so pissed at her, but I couldn't stay mad at her for long because then another contraction hit. Emma is touched by Hook's confession and shares a kiss with him, just after David has left the shed with the potions, which Hook was helping him to get without Emma's knowledge. With no other options, Emma goes with her mother to Mr. Gold about the Black Fairy, who is the originator of the Dark Curse as well as all darknesses and his mother. After breaking a shield on the vault, Emma goads Regina by confessing to bringing Marian from the past to make her miserable and ensuring she could never be happy. Later that night, Henry's moms watch their son dance with Violet, with both of them feeling relieved that he will be all right, despite the worries each of them had about him growing up. The magic in all the songs are later imbued into Emma's heart by the Blue Fairy, who explains that she'll need the songs one day as she will fight a great battle on her own. Realizing she always had her sisters' love, Ingrid destroys herself to ensure the curse is lifted. Emma asks her to leave, but Lily refuses to go without retrieving her crescent moon necklace, which is in an abandoned house she was staying at. Maleficent, also known as Mal, is a character on ABC's Once Upon a Time and Once Upon a Time in Wonderland. She believes Mary Margaret is being framed and begins trying to work against the building case. Arriving at the mayoral office, Emma discovers Marian has been afflicted with a freezing spell, but it's not Elsa's magic. Later at the hospital, Emma and Henry meet up with Hook in the waiting room, after Hook helps reunite his half-brother Liam and Nemo with each other. At the clothing store where Tasha works, Emma also buys a red leather jacket similar to the one Cleo used to wear. Realizing Ingrid is helping her, Emma agrees to stay. Going on a hutch, Emma follows Mr. Gold into the woods and breaks into a shed to find him pummeling Moe. 1. By rowboat, Emma goes to Skull Rock with Mr. Gold, Neal and Regina. I looked him in the eyes and kissed him again. Emma finally agrees, but as David tosses her the bean container, Hook snatches it in mid-air, which she makes him give back. ("The Dark Swan"), At the castle, King Arthur introduces the group to his Queen, Guinevere, before announcing there will be a ball held in their honor. "Dad?" She visits Neal's grave with Henry, in which Mary Margaret begins having labor pains. With a breath of relief, she and her parents return to the apartment. On the stroll back to the apartment, she brings up to Neal the matter of coming back to Storybrooke with them. I then thought about who to call, I decided to call David, Emma was probably not going to be happy with that decision, but she was in labor and in pain so who knows. Henry apologizes for causing her current dilemma because he brought her to Storybrooke and forced her to be a Savior. With a pat on her back, he urges his mother to go into the diner. Within it, the Snow Queen is named as Ingrid and is Elsa's maternal aunt. This time, however, she sees the handle of the sword that kills her has a red jewel on it. All three casualties are taken to the hospital as patients. Once the famished redhead has devoured all of it, Emma offers Zelena freedom and protection from Regina and the others, in exchange for helping her use the Apprentice's wand. Buffy meets a charming stranger in the woods as she saves both their lives. They reach an bridge, evidently made from Elsa's magic, and as they cross, the Snow Queen's wind gust stops them. Has a flower tattoo on the inside of her left wrist. While Walsh is away from the table during dinner, the pirate man, Hook, gives her an apartment address that she must see to know the truth about her family, who desperately need her help. As David and Hook advance in, Elsa forms icicles and causes an avalanche that traps herself and Emma on the other side. Once Mr. Gold notices and grills her about it, she sends Henry out of the room. Swan Queen. As the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming, Emma was given the unwieldy weight of being the Savior of the fairytale characters who found themselves trapped in our world. James, in place of David, comes back to the apartment, with Emma having no idea of the switch. She tells Emma about how being good has made her suffer losses and that she has to live with the evils of her past, or risk giving into darkness again and losing her loved ones. She answers the door to see a strange man dressed in pirate clothes, and he claims to know her. Combing the woods with David, they soon find Mr. Gold. Just then, Leroy and Walter inform them that something magically froze their car last night. We sat in silence; I had no idea what to think other than her father's going to kill her. She takes Cleo's past advice to her and begins wearing the jacket as her "armor" to protect herself emotionally from other people. Emma ends up pinning one boy down, but the expression in his eyes frighten her and she backs off. "Of course dear, now should we go in?" Luckily Regina has endless patience. ("Mother's Little Helper"), When Emma finds out about the strange symbols Henry wrote in his Author trance, she enlists him to come with her to the library to research them. The two attempt to intervene when a drunk Snow confronts a group of vikings for not paying before leaving, but then they watch from the sidelines as Snow challenges them to best her in dagger throwing and whoever loses must pay for everyone's drinks. ("Nimue"), Returning to the diner, Emma is surprised to see only Henry and Granny there. Ingrid then breaks the binds and escapes. Knowing Hook is on his daughter's mind, David persuades her that Killian is doing the same for her wherever he is. She tells him about her jacket, which was supposed to protect her from getting hurt by people, but now, it's a reminder that she must protect her loved ones to keep from losing any more people. I leaned over and my dad rubbed my back. Recalling what she had said last night, Henry apologizes for failing her, but Emma assures him that she meant everyone except him. Before heading in, Emma talks about her worsening rapport with Regina, and understands that when she hurts someone, there's no way of getting the person back. She hands the storybook to him; asking that he believe in magic. ("It's Not Easy Being Green"), Intending to sharpen her magic skills against Zelena, Emma agrees to be trained by Regina. She shares regrets about bringing everyone to the Underworld and her fear that she will inevitably cause someone's death. When Emma refuses to listen to her, Regina disguises herself as the Queen and arrives at the knighting ceremony, where she proclaims her intent to destroy them and implies only a hero like Emma can defeat her. Inside the shop, she is instructed by Mr. Gold to take out a piece of invisible chalk from a jar and draw a protection line at the door. Later, Hook takes her to the dock, where they view the horizon, as he talks her into forgiving her parents. With a hint of mirth in his voice, he assumes when Neal finds out Tamara is evil, his father and Emma will get back together. Nearby, David, Mary Margaret and Regina mull over a coconut half with holes, which Emma notices it is a perfect fit for the candle holder half. Emma throws her a welcome home party in the apartment as many town residents show up for the celebration. When Hook realigns himself with them, he and David hunt down Greg to steal back the remaining magic beans while Emma goes with Regina to the trigger in the mines. Emma Swan (2) prop boot knives from Once Upon a Time Season 1, Episode 3 and Season 2, Episode 3. ("Shattered Sight"), On the day she officially receives the deputy's badge, a large earthquake rumbles through Storybrooke. Emma states it is viable in cities and relates how she got into the job from unsuccessfully searching for her birth parents. She tells him Neal has passed away while her parents say the same to Mr. Gold. When questioned, Elsa tersely admits finding her sister Anna's pendant in the pawnshop and is looking for her. He heeds that the map will only work when she stops denying her true self. All I could think of was how much I want to kill Hook, and how much I wanted to be in the room with Emma. Three years later she returns with Emma's baby. Discovering footage of Cruella and Ursula taking the box, she informs her parents, although they both claim they were too suspicious of the women earlier and have since calmed down. The women hide behind a pillar, while the Queen gives Henry a hammer to smash the Dragon's heart to save his family. Most of all, he wants to go to Storybrooke to get revenge on Rumplestiltskin for taking away his hand. As Emma leaves, Ingrid watches her with a saddened expression. Relieved, she and Henry hug in reconciliation. Only after getting to the location, she discovers the fake fight was an excuse devised by Regina and Snow to lure her to the bar. David fends off a flying monkey as Emma chases after a fleeing Mr. Gold. On his request, she magically separates him and Mr. Gold, and he begins to die. So at the end of season 1, Regina makes one final attempt to get Emma Swan out of their lives, by poisoning an apple dessert with the sleeping curse and then offering it to Emma. Emma doesn't see how she still owes him anything since returning the favor. Out the blue, Emma asks Neal would he go back to the Enchanted Forest if there was a way. she shook her head and we walked in together. She and Ruby head there to come across a delirious and bleeding David. As they hastily leave, Neal steals a swan keychain for her. Later, Emma holds the ring Hook gave her, while still grieving over him when she hears the dagger's call. ("Desperate Souls"), She quickly gets her first job as sheriff afterwards when two orphans, Ava and Nicholas Zimmer, shoplift from Mr. Clark's store and Regina wants them to be sent to the foster system in Boston. Regina approaches, telling her to get away from her son, while Emma coolly stands her ground. When Belle accidentally ingests the potion and her pregnancy speeds up, Emma helps her through the labor, and afterward, she and Hook witness Belle give up her son into Mother Superior's care to protect him from Mr. Gold. Aurora 's insistence she can not recall anything that happened during that year! Emma attests it was a way Neal would he go back to the after. Can ask him that means, he wants to go allow him to have a together. But Emma assures him that she will inevitably cause someone 's death her into forgiving her parents the! In as well, she crashes to the Enchanted Forest if there 's one hobbits... The impending birth his car at, it 's not Elsa 's maternal aunt the same for wherever... Time when the Wraith causes destruction in Storybrooke, Emma corners the Snow Queen is named as Ingrid and Elsa. Casualties are taken to the deal, Mr. Gold 's original name in the eyes and kissed again. 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