Billions have been condemned to die because of this chosenite decision if it continues to be withheld, with 50% of the population predicted to get cancer, and . [5], Some of the observations Rife claimed to have made with his microscopes are, however, contradicted by modern findings. This consists of two circular, wedge-shaped prisms, mounted face-to-face and set in a geared-bezel, and so geared as to turn each prism through 360 degrees in opposite directions by means of an extended handle. Join the Curiosity Box NOW and I'll send you a bunch of free stuff! Learn how your comment data is processed. All optical elements in this microscope were made of block quartz, which permits the passage of ultraviolet rays. Rife's use of a device called a Risley counter-rotating prism. It is reported that just hours before making the announcement, he was fatally poisoned and his papers were "lost.". Dr. Johnson had come to California in 1893 to start up the Alhambra (CA) hospital. Rife, every disease has a frequency. Dr. Royal Raymond Rife, Jr., Ph.D. was born in Elkhorn, Nebraska on May 16, 1888. People tend to recognize true genius after a person is long gonejust ask Galileo, Thoreau, Van Gogh, and Tesla. Dr. Arthur Kendall, the Director of the Northwestern School of Medicine (who worked with Dr. [3][7] Rife claimed to have documented a "Mortal Oscillatory Rate" for various pathogenic organisms, and to be able to destroy the organisms by vibrating them using radio waves of this particular frequency. In the end, Royal Rife died in 1971 at the age of 83. Most of these claims have no scientific research to back them up and Rife machines are not approved for treatment by health authorities in the world. , infrared and ultraviolet imaging. Many websites are claiming the Rife machine can cure cancer. The ocular was binocular, but it also had a detachable segment lower in the body for monocular observation at 1800X magnification. Dr. Royal Raymond Rife (May 16, 1888 - August 5, 1971) was an American inventor and early exponent of high-magnification time-lapse cine-micrography. This microscope was amazingly powerful and complex with its 6,000 parts. If you have any healthcare-related concerns, please call or see your physician or other qualified healthcare provider. Royal Rife tried unsuccessfully to get government agencies to test and verify his Rife frequency generator. Determining the exact frequencies which would devitalize various pathogens remainedDr. Rife met with industrial tycoon Henry Timken. To complement the microcurrents and . Rife's work. It is widely accepted that, in 1920, Royal R Rife began his experiments using electronic frequencies on viruses and bacteria. The partners of Life Labs Inc. were served with summons regarding the manufacture and sale of illegal medical devices and "practicing medicine without a license." At the turn of the century (1903-1905), Dr. Johnson had beena founder (and the 2nd President) of the Automobile Club of Southern California - he was alsoa driving force behind the development of the Rife ray-tube machine. 1n 1939, Dr. Hoyland built most, if not all, of the early Rife ray-tube machines. With the Rife technology, he bombarded the microbes with light frequency which matched that of the microbe at an intense level. Rife also discovered that cancer can be caused by chemicals. By 1960, John Crane had written and copyrighted his manual in which he detailed how the frequency generator should be used to treat diseases on different parts of the body experimentally. Sheordereda permanent injunction against them, and forced theAMA to print the courts findings in the, Enter Morris Fishbein -Secretary of the American Medical Association (1924-50) and Chief Editor of the, Journal of the American Medical Association. He also became silent. With the help of those microscopes, he invented the theory of the Rife machine and successfully cured cancer on human bodies in 1934. Dr. Well, you may not know who Raymond Royal Rife was. Royal Raymond Rife was a brilliant American scientist who was born in 1888 and died in 1971. His construction manual is offered for sale on. There is no money in repeat business when finding a cure to anything. [12] In some cases cancer patients who ceased chemotherapy and instead used these devices have died. In 1957, Rifes beloved wife of 45 years, Mamie Quill died. Dr. However, there was a scientist who cured cancer in 1934 but unfortunately he was been killed. Hence, Dr. Rife further developed frequency generating devices to emit resonant frequencies - which, he observed, would destroy the organisms he was viewing. This was reputedly executed without a search warrant. (He even built a 100-string "guitar" type instrument.). A Rife machine is a medical device that uses high-frequency energy to treat various conditions. This article is meant to shed light on the science behind cancer and how four men . It may or may not be as effective as the original. Rife's records were lost when he foolishly loaned them to Dr. Arthur Yale a few years later. Dr. Rife's theory or basic premise was that every bacteria or viruses has it's own electromagnetic frequencies. It is reported that they brought sixteen terminally ill cancer patients who were near death form the Pasadena County Hospital to the laboratory of Dr Rife to be treated with the Rife frequency generator. The page explains that American scientist Royal Raymond Rife developed a machine in the 1920s that produced low energy waves. A few humanitarian doctors and engineers reconstructed his frequency instruments and kept . [15] Rife devices are currently classified as a subset of radionics devices, which are generally viewed as pseudomedicine by mainstream experts. THE Original Ancient Americans Before Egypt and Israel!!! He described this as "the tip of an enormous iceberg", with a wide range of more elaborate devices also on sale from different suppliers, varying widely in design and ranging in price from AU$1,500 to AU$34,000. ALt. He is credited in the book, "The Cancer Cure That Worked", as the man who discovered a cure for cancer and many other diseasessimply by using vibrational energy. Rife both personally and professionally. SendFeedback [9] Two books have been published detailing his life and work. Rife is known for his microscopes, which he claimed could observe live microorganisms with a magnification considered impossible for his time, and for an "oscillating beam ray" invention, which he . Everything has frequency.". . He received 14 major awards and honors and was given an honorary . Rife suspected it might be something she was eating - so made a search ofher kitchen. John Crane was put on trial in the spring of 1961. Dr . was similar in construction, built in 1923, in a vertical format like a standard microscope. Royal Raymond Rife, a scientist, started working in San Diego in 1915 and from 1920 invented a totally . After Rife learned that Dr. Yale was altering the Royal Rife Machine and thus failing to get results, Rife and Yale had an argument which marked a permanent separation. Fortunately, his death was not the end. . The Washitaws! A key component in the marketing of Rife devices has been the claim, initially put forward by Rife himself, that the devices were being suppressed by an establishment conspiracy against cancer cures. Rife discovered that a simple electromagnetic wave was not enough to destroy a microorganism - but a radio frequency wave was readily accepted by the body if it was emitted by a gas within a glass tube. Born in 1888, Royal Raymond Rife was an American inventor known for his belief that he could observe and render inert a number of viruses which he thought were causal factors in several diseases, most notably cancer. Rife's work. He had also perfected his ray-beam device,which used a helium plasma lamp and very precise radio-frequencies. Sheordereda permanent injunction against them, and forced theAMA to print the courts findings in the Journal of the American Medical Association. The Rife Universal Microscope created a paradigm shift in pathology and microbiology research;much of what his device could do is still considered impossible today. [11] The sentencing judge described them as "target[ing] the most vulnerable people, including those suffering from terminal disease" and providing false hope. His non-stop workat the microscope had taken its toll. Siner was awe-struck, but he also opened the eyes of . This saved the company millions of dollars. While some physicians went underground, and others retreated to Mexico, most abandoned their equipment rather than risk losing their medical licenses. Moreover, Dr. Unfortunately, this is also a tragic story of the suppression of science and truth. Two of the three convictions were overturned by the California State Supreme Court on appeal. Many of Dr. Rifes discoveries are now being validated by physicists and microbiologists. Your Comprehensive Journey To Wellness. Forty-four of the US's most respected doctors from around the country attended. [8] Rife blamed the scientific rejection of his claims on a conspiracy involving the American Medical Association (AMA), the Department of Public Health, and other elements of "organized medicine", which had "brainwashed and intimidated" his colleagues. At that time - and even now - tuberculosis was a huge global killer. Dr. Royal Raymond Rife, PhD. In light of these incredible results, Dr. Johnson insisted it was time to try the ray-beam on humans. As with bacteria, Dr. His records were also destroyed in the fire. Little reliable published information exists describing Rife's life and work. It is a fair statement that Rife practically developed bioelectric medicine himself. What Dr Rife claimed is that each microbe has its own resonance frequency. Henry Timkin and his partner, Bridges were so impressed with Royal Rife and his work that they set up a fund to finance a completely equipped laboratory at Point Loma, California and to carry the expenses of a research program in the laboratory. Dr. Royal Raymond Rife was an American scientist who was born on May 16, 1888, in Elkhorn, Nebraska and died on August 5, 1971. A 2000 article in The Sydney Morning Herald warned: "Cancer sufferers have died after putting their faith in a device with electrical parts worth just $15" (equivalent to $24 in 2021), further reporting that Rife machines are "unanimously condemned as worthless by mainstream scientists and banned in at least two American States."[16]. They then performed the culture in a partial vacuum (or anaerobic environment) and stimulated them with the ionizing light. Rife turned to alcohol. . This site is NOT intended to be a substitute for a healthcare providers consultation: NEVER DISREGARD MEDICAL ADVICE OR DELAY IN SEEKING IT BECAUSE OF SOMETHING YOU HAVE SEEN ON THIS SITE. the man who created the . has information on Rife-Bare research and complementary health and nutrition plus info on DIY rife, an excellent list of links to suppliers of Rife components, and microscope information. Rife $50,000 to continue his work. On November 20, 1931, Rife, along with 34 of his most distinguished colleagues in medicine, attended a banquet entitled, The End to All Diseases. How to Load the Program and Run GeneratorX Pro Standalone, How to Use Spooky2 Cold Laser with GeneratorX Pro, How to Connect Spooky2 Contact Accessories to GeneratorX Pro, How to Use Spooky2 Remote V2.0 with GeneratorX Pro, How to Use Spooky2 Central (Updated Version), Unboxing Video: Spooky2 Portable Central GeneratorX Kit, How to Use Spooky2 Cold Laser with GeneratorX, Unboxing Video Spooky2 Portable Colloidal Silver Generator Kit, How to Use Spooky2 Cold Laser (Updated Version), Unboxing Video: Spooky2 XM Generator Portable Starters Kit, How to Connect Spooky2 Contact Accessories to XM Generator, Unboxing Video: Spooky2 Portable GeneratorX Essential Kit, How to Connect Spooky2 Contact Accessories to GeneratorX, Unboxing Video: Spooky2 Portable GeneratorX Remote Kit, How to Use Spooky2 Remote v2.0 with GeneratorX, How to Use Spooky2 PEMF Coil with GeneratorX Pro. Rife believed that every disease had a unique electrical signature. Rife treatment works by finding the frequency of the condition. An analogy of this phenomena is that of an opera singer who uses his/her voice to shatter a crystal glass. While some of the chronological details of Dr. Rifes life have been recorded differently by authors, every effort has been made here to represent the events of Dr. Rifes life and work with accuracy and objectivity. London CNN . Amidst the positive results and continued support of many physicians and scientists, Dr. According to Dr. After studying at Johns Hopkins, Rife developed technology which is still commonly used today in the fields of optics, electronics, radio chemistry, biochemistry, ballistics, and aviation. The Institutes Advisory Board was composed of prominent members of the Southwestern US medical and business community. Rife discovered that he could get cancer to grow, without the cancer virus, just by injecting into tissue the chemicals that the cancer virus naturally gives off. [9] In Australia, the use of Rife machines has been blamed for the deaths of cancer patients who might have been cured with conventional therapy. Schooled Like Fish ~ Does Anyone Ever Ask Why? Rife to two renowned bacteriologists interested in. When Rife rejected his advances, Fishbein was ruthless in his pursuit - even offering legal assistance to Phil Hoyland to sue Dr. Rife may have at one time given some assistance to John Crane's marketing of function generators using square wave audio frequencies, but Rife's beam ray device was an analog RF plasma tube generator that was probably driven with a sinusoidal waveform. Dr. Royal Raymond Rife - Rare Documentary, The Rise and Fall of a Scientific Genius is a. He then attended Heidelberg University in Germany, where he developed photomicrographs for their. Dr. Royal Raymond Rife may very well be the father of holistic cancer research. On March 7, 1961, while in Mexico, Dr. Cancer is a $60 billion a year industry, while cancer protection and the early intervention of cancer brings in an additional $162 billion each year. Disclaimer: The videos and other information on this website are for education purposes only, and are not intended to replace the medical advice, diagnosis, or recommendations of your physician or healthcare provider. In November of 1931, The San Diego Evening Trubune reported that Dr. Milbank Johnson, Director of the Southern California American Medical Association, honored Dr. Just as operations were becoming promising again,tragedy struck Dr. Commander USNR, he worked with the United States Navy before and during World War I. the Zeiss firm,Dr. During the 1930s, he designed several optical microscopes that could observe the virus. Dr. Over the course of 20 years, Dr. A few humanitarian doctors and engineers reconstructed his frequency instruments and kept his genius alive. A mixture of valium and alcohol is lethal. It could observe the microbes while they were still alive. It added that several doctors had attended a demonstration of another of Rife's microscopes and had been impressed by its clarity and high magnification. Crane's lawyers went to Mexico and interviewed Royal Rife. Rife realized his ray-tube devicewas too large and needed to be made moremanageable. Britain's Prince Philip, a stalwart supporter of his wife, Queen Elizabeth II, for over seven decades, died Friday. Rife was thus able to see these otherwise invisible organisms and watch them actively invading tissue cultures. Royal Rife himself was killed in 1971 by an "accidental" lethal dose of Valium and alcohol at Grossmont Hospital. During the 1930s, he designed several optical microscopes that could observe the virus. Atoms that form a molecule are held together in that molecular configuration with a covalent energy bond which both emits and absorbs its own specific electromagnetic frequency. An impulse of the same frequency is then used to kill or disable diseased cells. Consumers who paid Rettmann for health care services or products since June 25, 1991 should contact the Minnesota Attorney General's Office by calling (651) 296-3353, or 1-800-657-3787, TYY (651) 297-7206 or 1-800-366-4812. Rife was introduced to Dr. Milbank Johnson, the head of a regional medical board and affiliated with the University of Southern California (USC) medical department. Rife discovered the BX virus MOR - and was able to destroy it. Sadly, the clinical records of his work have been erased from the archives of the scientific community. In the 1930s, he made several optical compound microscopes and, using a movie camera, took time-lapse microscopy movies of microbes. Dr. During the years just prior to the Great Depression, Dr. After finding a cure for cancer, how is it possible for Rife to be completely ignored by his colleagues and what were the motivating factors behind this? Through the brilliance of several men throughout history, a means to defeat disease was created and lost and then recreated again. Rife develop his frequency generators utilizing plasma tubes and radiofrequencies. The information published here on this web site is for entertainment purposes only and is not in any way intended to dispense medical opinion or advice or to be a substitute for professional medical care, whether diagnosis, advice, or treatment, by a medical practitioner. Dr. Royal Raymond Rife was an extremely intelligent inventor and a pioneer in curing cancer. Rife moved in. Rife's life's work at a glance. "It is with deep . Rife hoped to commercially manufacture. Rife found that more frequent sessions did not allow the lymphatic system enough time to remove the toxins releasedfrom the destroyed virus and remove them from the body., The Suppressed Medical Technology Of Royal Raymond Rife. Americans nationwide read of Dr. Dr. [5], A report published by the Smithsonian Institution described one of these microscopes as equipped for "transmitted and monochromatic beam dark-field, polarized, and slit-ultra illumination, including also a special device for crystallography". document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Over time, Rifes microscope enabled him to catalogue the Mortal Oscillatory Rate (MOR) of numerous pathogens. Timken sought Dr. Rifes help to solve a quality control manufacturing problem. THE CONTENT ON THIS SITE IS PRESENTED IN SUMMARY FORM, IS GENERAL IN NATURE, AND IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY; IT IS NOT ADVICE, NOR SHOULD IT BE TREATED AS SUCH. After studying at Johns Hopkins, Rife developed technology which is still commonly used today in the fields of optics, electronics, radiochemistry, biochemistry, ballistics, and aviation. Rife lost their research foundation grants - and even their hospital privileges. Rife. Royal Raymond Rife (May 16, 1888 August 5, 1971)[1] was an American inventor and early exponent of high-magnification time-lapse cine-micrography.[2][3]. However, the court ruled that the State was still entitled to obtain a judgment. New methods of health care have been discouraged, restricted and in some instances eliminated.". If you want to use Dr. Rife's original high RF frequencies then you will need to use a frequency generator that will output his frequencies from 139,200 Hertz to 1,607,450 Hertz. He was a scientific genius who had created a successful cancer cure back in the 1930s, among many other scientific achievements. 4-6); being a new technology, they were expensive and difficult to manufacture. By 1960, some 90 Rife ray-tube machines had been built and distributed for use across America, and into England. On May 6, 1938, Dr. "I did put myself to the school of experience," she said decades later, "where I sought to learn what things were most fit for a king to have, and I found them to be four: namely, justice . This was decades before the physics discoveries of the 1970s by. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. This report describes the history of these devices, the theories associated with their use, and what happened when I tested a Spooky2 system on myself. Reports are that after the 90 days, the patients were examined and fourteen of them were declared cured. None of the large amount of scientific evidence which supported the effectiveness of their technology was allow to be presented. 1). Physicians in California using Rifes ray-beam therapy were threatened with loss of their licenses if they continued using the therapy. In 1934, a USC teamof physicians, led by Dr. Johnson, transferred sixteen terminally ill patients from a San Diego hospital to the Scripps estate inLa Jolla, California. Did the science behind glass-shattering opera singers lead to a century-old cancer cure? [8], Interest in Rife's claims was revived in some alternative medical circles by the 1987 book by Barry Lynes, The Cancer Cure That Worked, which claimed that Rife had succeeded in curing cancer, but that his work was suppressed by a powerful conspiracy headed by the American Medical Association. Dr. Rife, PhilipHoyland and their ray-tube machine were a front-page story in the, It took decades, but in 1987,Judge Susan Getzendanner found the AMA and others guilty of an illegal conspiracy against the, profession. Rifes Universal Microscope used all types of illumination: polarized, monochromatic or white light. Since much of his research, schematics, and documentation were destroyed in 1939, Dr. John Crane was sentenced to ten years in prison. The first man ever to cure cancer virtually single-handed. is the oldest manufacturer of professionally-built Rife-Bare units. He believed that all medical conditions had an electromagnetic . Stan also hosts the "Rifers" listserver which is most suited for hardcore technical discussions of Rifing with no off-topic posts allowed. He had notarized contracts and distributed ninety of the Rife devices for testing. Crane, Rife and Marsh employed audio frequencies in theinstruments they built. Royal Raymond Rife was an extremely intelligent inventor and a pioneer in curing cancer. Your email address will not be published. This biography is an attempt to portray the amazing life and work of one of the greatest humanitarians of the 20th century, Dr. Royal Raymond Rife, Jr., Ph.D. The group, Novobiotronics , is taking Rife . Dr. He called his machine the Beam Ray machine. The most powerful light microscopes in existence only reached a magnification of 2500X - allowing scientists to see molds, bacteria and parasites, but not viruses. An opera singer shatters a wine glass by singing the note that is the resonant frequency of the wine glass. All clinical records of Rife's frequency therapy were removed from the scientific archives after his passing. That UV light might also havecontributed to his failing eyesight. Rife at a banquet held at his own estate in Pasadena, California. On the eve of a press conference to announce the results of the 1934 study on Rifes cancer therapy, Dr Milbank Johnson, former president of the Southern California AMA, was fatally poisoned and his papers lost. Put on trial in the 1930s, among many other scientific achievements disease had unique... Healthcare-Related concerns, please call or see your physician or other qualified healthcare provider eliminated. Low energy waves microscope was amazingly powerful and complex with its 6,000 parts Royal R began. You have any healthcare-related concerns, please call or see your physician or other qualified healthcare provider a few later! Even offering legal assistance how did royal rife die Phil Hoyland to sue Dr a banquet held at own! Invented a totally business community which are generally viewed as pseudomedicine by mainstream experts ( or anaerobic )! 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